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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ken Ken Merzy

Well here I am.  I said that I was discontinue my blogging career.  But, I feel as though I have no choice to write, what is perhaps, the last blog.  I'm doing this in hopes that you will share this with your friends, who do not have FaceBook pages, or Twitter accounts; those who simply do things the "old fashioned way", by email.

I have often talked about Ken Ken Merzy.  He is the little boy I came across while I was assigned to an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp in Port-Au-Prince in September of this year.

To summarize, when I first spotted Ken Ken, I thought that he was a newborn baby.  Little did I know that he was a 5 pound, 10 month old little boy.  I was firmly convinced that he would not be alive in a few days unless I took action.

Anyway, most of you are familiar with the rest of the story.  I called someone, who called someone, and we got Ken Ken some help.  What I wanted to share with you today is the fact that Ken Ken is not only still alive, but he seems to be thriving.  You can believe what you want but I attribute this to the power of God, nothing more and nothing less.  You see, Ken Ken has AIDS, Tuberculosis and suffers from  Malnutrition.  He lives in what most of would describe as abhorrent conditions at best.  Before I met him, and with help from a lot of people since then, and of course the grace of God, we have improved his life.  To prove my point, I want to attach a before and after photo of Ken Ken:

Ken Ken when I found him in 09/2011

Ken Ken on his 1st Birthday on 12/10/2011

As you can see, Ken Ken has came a long way.  I honestly thought I would never see him alive again.  Instead, he is thriving and celebrated his 1st Birthday just a couple of days ago.  If you attend church, or know someone who does, please share this blog with them.  I am firmly convinced that God has touched this little boy.  Is he healed?  I can't answer that question.  But I can assure you of this one thing; based on what I saw that day in September, he shouldn't even be alive.  Please add him to your prayer list.  Thanks so much.  Until next time, take care, stay safe and God Bless.  

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