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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just How Spoiled Are We?

Very seldom do I ever blog twice in the same day.  But today, I had the opportunity to spend a few hours with a 20 year old Haitian boy that I met shortly after I arrived in country and received my first assignment.  For privacy reasons, I won't name him.  I refer to him as a "boy" because he's the same age as my youngest son.

This kid is one of the most polite kids I have ever met.  Before he arrived he called me and asked if he had to wear sandals.  I asked why?  He said, "I don't have any sandals, I only have one pair of shoes."  Okay, right then I knew that I was going to buy him a pair of sandals.  They sell some here made by an organization I mentioned earlier today on my Facebook, "Rebuild Globally."

This kid is very intelligent, having taught himself how to speak English. It's by no means perfect, but he does a pretty darn good job.  I invited him to the place where I live so he could go swimming and enjoy a good meal.

When he arrived I gave him the sandals.  He said "I say thank you, but that is not enough."  I assured him that it was.  After he finished swimming we just sat around and talked.  It was then that I learned that he only eats two times per week.  That's right, twice per week!  Even for Haiti, I was shocked though I shouldn't be.  His mother works 7 days per week but only makes enough money to feed them twice per week.  Once again, my heart was broken.

I immediately began thinking about how many times at home I would say something like "I'm starving."  While I didn't mean it literally, it's embarrassing that I said it at all.  And worst case scenario, if I was hungry and there wasn't nothing in the house that I wanted, I would simply jump in the car and go to a drive-thru and get whatever I wanted.  How spoiled are we?

After he got out of the pool and went to change clothes, I immediately ran back to my room.  I found a couple of plastic bags and filled them with what groceries I had.  I also gave him some money to give to his mother so maybe she can buy a few extra groceries.  I'm going to try to have him back here at least 2-3 times per month so I feed him a good meal.

Folks, we in America live in a world where we take so much for granted.  Believe me, I'm guilty.  Maybe tonight, before you go to bed, thank God for what you have.  My wife said something to me not long ago that I find now, more than ever, to be profound.  She told me:  "you know, we're not as well off as many, but we're much better off that many."  How true that is.  Until next time, take care, stay safe and God Bless.

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