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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Day with Michelle

Today was a good day.  Those seem few and far between here when, on a daily basis, you see firsthand the suffering taking place in this country.

Today I had the opportunity to spend a couple hours with Michelle Roberts and her gang.  Michelle is part of a great organization, Chadasha Foundation,  I think I've mentioned them before on my blog, I know I have on my Facebook page.   Well, the blog is back.  I had pretty much decided to end this blog but then I got an injection of Faith today and decided to continue Haiti Five-0.  If for no other reason, I can use this platform to call attention to these organizations who are truly doing the right thing here in Haiti.  I'm referring specifically to Chadasha Foundation, Rebuild Globally and The Apparent Project  I'm sure there are more organizations operating here in Haiti but these are the three I am familiar with at this point.  I have met these people, I know what they are doing and I know their intentions.

Far too often, a country like Haiti is invaded by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).  Many do nothing when it comes right down to it.  That is not the case with the three I just mentioned.

I continue to be amazed by Michelle Roberts.  This lady possesses Faith that is almost indescribable.  If you could meet her you would know what I mean.  I can say the same for Julie Columbino from Rebuild Globally.     These are two amazing women.  I also have to give a shout-out to Sandra Fernandez of Rebuild Globally.  She is another person here who is doing the right thing.

Today was my last day off.  So, I went with Michelle and her gang to my old Camp, where I worked until September 26.  We went to check on Baby Ken Ken, a child in desperate need who I had came across towards then end of assignment there.  First off, there was a guy there with a bucket full of snakes.  Why you ask?  I have no idea.  I had never seen him before.  Being the adrenalin junkie that I am, I of course had to hold one of the snakes.  I'm guessing that it was a Boa Constrictor of some sort.  We snapped several photos and then moved on.

Back in September, with the help of several people we were able to rescue Ken Ken.  I am firmly convinced that without our intervention, Ken Ken would already be dead.

I was happy to see some of the friends I had made there, adults and children alike.    They also seemed truly happy to see me again.  What shocked me most of all was Ken Ken.  He looked so much better, though still grossly underweight.  But he looked "alive."  I give the credit for this, first to God but then to Michelle and Chadasha.  They brought this child back from the brink of death.

Ken Ken was alert, unlike the first time I saw him when he was so lethargic.  When we held him he was wide-eyed, he touched our faces, he felt heavier that last time.  For the first time since I found him, I felt as though he had a chance.  Because of his medical condition this may not be the case but from the looks of him today, God willing, he might have a chance.   There are great things in the future for this camp.  Michelle intends to visit the camp with one of her mobile medical teams.   I hope I can be there when this happens.

After we finished up at the camp we went to The Apparent Project.  This is another great organization that is truly helping the people of Haiti.  Many Haitians are employed through The Apparent Project.  They make jewelry, metal art, purses, handbags and all kinds of stuff.  Of course I bought some things for my wife and daughters.  When I buy these types of things here in Haiti I feel good about it.  I see first hand the sweat and effort it takes to make these things.  There is no comparison to buying things in a regular store.

After we finished up at The Apparent Project, Michelle and her gang dropped me off.  It was a great couple of hours.  I can't wait to visit the Chadasha Foundation children's home.  I hope to do that sometime next week.

Please, visit the websites I listed in this blog.  Christmas is right around the corner.  Why not buy some gifts that are truly special.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Until next time, take care, stay safe and God Bless.

Baby Ken Ken

Some of the products produced by The Apparent Project.  With each item you get a card showing which artisan actually made the item.  

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